Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Application Process, Continued...

I've finished my application materials now, except that I still need to get three passport-sized photographs (why three?), and finish the essay.

Explain why you have chosen to study abroad in Egypt. Outline the steps you have taken to prepare yourself for this experience, and how you anticipate this experience will relate to your future goals.

I started it, but it sounds so much less interesting written out than in seems in my head. I write like an IR textbook... I wonder why that is. So, when it's done, it will convey what I need it to, but it will read like a UN resolution. If only there were an interview process like when I was applying to colleges; I'm convinced AU only let me in because after meeting me, they realized that I was not actually as boring as I came across in writing.

Anyhow, the application is due Monday, so... judgement day approaches. I will, of course, keep you apprised. Salaam!

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